The best way to learn more about St. Paul Lutheran Church & School is to take part in the Pathway class. It is a 9 week class that meets on Sunday evenings with the pastors and other church leaders. We will talk about what faith in Jesus looks like, return to some foundational basics of God’s Word, and introduce you to what St. Paul is all about. There is no pressure to become a member after taking the class, but the class is a perfect way to learn more about St. Paul, meet other new members, and dive into God’s Word.
WHEN - Sunday Nights – 5:00 – 6:30 PM for 9 Weeks
DATES - March 9 – May 18, 2025
Will not meet on April 20th or May 11th
Childcare Provided – Contact the Church Office
St. Paul School Main Campus (Fine Arts Room)
495 Earhart Rd, Ann Arbor
Tentative Fall 2025 Dates: check back soon!
You, redeemed by Christ, are a part of Jesus’ Church. In reality, there is only one church. We can’t see this church, measure it or number it, because it is made up of all believers of every time and place. It includes all who trusted in God’s promise of a savior, before Jesus’ time, and all who trust in the good news that Jesus is the promised savior sent by the Father. It is an invisible church that exists, always will exist, and it includes you, the believers at St. Paul Lutheran Church & School, Christians around the world, and all who have died in faith and rest with God. That’s what Jesus’ Church looks like.
God calls His Church to be in community with one another. When Christians gather together in a local place, it’s called a congregation, a visible church that includes members of Jesus’ invisible Church. St. Paul Lutheran Church & School is a congregation of Jesus followers in Ann Arbor who come together to hear God’s Word, receive His gifts, build one another up as the body of Christ, and serve the Ann Arbor area in Jesus’ name. Individuals who want to be part this congregation and community and want to walk with the Christians here are invited to formally become members of the congregation. Every member is a forgiven sinner who continues to sin (Romans 3:23) and daily receives Jesus’ forgiveness. You are also a forgiven sinner, and it would be a blessing to have you as a member of this body of Christ, St. Paul Lutheran Church & School.
For any additional information regarding membership at St. Paul, please feel free to contact the office at 734-665-9117 or Pastor Roggow at