At St. Paul Ann Arbor we are called to equip people to know Christ and to make meaningful connections. St. Paul has equipped and empowered a team of Stephen Ministers—laypeople who provide one-to-one, Christ-centered care to people experiencing grief, unemployment, hospitalization, loneliness, divorce, financial stress, a terminal illness, or other life difficulties. Stephen Ministers are available to partner with people in our congregation during difficult times, and they can walk alongside you through the challenging seasons of life.
...after the phone call you hoped you would never get.
...after the divorce papers are served and the bottom falls out of your life.
...after the funeral, when everyone has left and the emotions you’ve held at bay come crashing in on you.
...after the doctor say, “I’m sorry there’s nothing more we can do.”
...after the nursing home director shakes you hand and says, “Welcome to your new home.”
...after the last child honks the horn, waves and drives away—and the house suddenly seems empty.
...after the baby arrives, demanding more of you than you ever dreamed possible.
...after you find a pink slip with your final paycheck.
...after your family and friends have heard your story one too many times, but you still need to talk it out.
...after (you fill in the blank).
Stephen Ministers are ready to come alongside you and provide comfort and support for as long after as needed. Men are always paired with men and women with women in a confidential caring relationship.
Please contact Stephen Leader, Cherise Callahan at 734-395-8775 if you would like to
find out how a Stephen Minister could be helpful to you.
Fourteen years ago, my family was broken hearted when my mother was diagnosed with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.) ALS is commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. We learned that this neurological disease would waste away every muscle in her body and eventually take her life. My mom was a strong woman, having her body become a useless shell was unthinkable. My mom had been a Stephen Minister. Now it was her turn to be the care receiver instead of the care giver. Her amazing Stephen Ministry team not only walked by my mom’s side, but they realized that our whole family needed this Christ-centered care. This was a crisis for all of us. My mom’s Stephen Minister faithfully came every week to pray, read scripture and spend time with my mom. They helped arrange meals to feed our family members. I am so grateful when I recall the one-on-one time and special attention the Stephen Ministers devoted to me, letting me cry and pray with me. Jesus gave them eyes to see our needs and caring hearts to support us through a very difficult 13 months. I am forever grateful that they walked this difficult journey with us.
For the last year of her life our mom was homebound due to the after effects of a stroke. She looked forward to the weekly visits of her Stephen’s Minister who often surprised her with small treats for them to enjoy. Together they frequently played her favorite game or sang songs from the hymnal. Mom was a great storyteller and her SM was an effective listener. Prayer was central to mom’s life and she was always encouraged and blessed when her SM prayed with her. As her family, we, too, were blessed by this ministry to mom.
Stephen Ministry has truly been a Godsend for me. I had a very troubled time in my life a couple of years ago and it was very difficult to talk to my spouse or our mutual friends. I felt very alone, but at the same time I was bursting with the need to talk to someone and to not be dealing with the issues on my own. I knew there was a Stephen Ministry at church, and even though I didn’t know much about it and I was nervous, I felt like this might be the right thing for me.
My first meeting with my Stephen Minister was the hardest. I had fears of being rejected for some of the things that I was struggling with. I had to make a conscious decision to let down all my walls, but God had been working to teach me about allowing vulnerability into my life and the blessings that it can bring. So I decided to embrace what I was learning and talked freely with my Stephen Minister, not knowing what would come of it.
As it turns out (and this is God led for sure), we have been a great match. My Stephen Minister has been a wonderful listener and I have been able to share many things that were weighing me down. I found a stable place of acceptance and love. It’s a place where I don’t have to face my issues alone. This has been extremely healing and strengthening for me. In addition, I have gained a good friend! I am so thankful for our time together and praise God for the wonderful and unexpected ways that he has worked in my life!