Advent begins on Sunday, December 1st when we will begin a series called “Your Savior Comes.” During Advent we will explore Isaiah 40:1-11, seeing how it describes the coming Savior. Jesus comes with comfort, healing, justice, and power to be that Savior. At the same time he comes with joy to be our gentle, loving Shepherd who “will gather the lambs in his arms” (Is. 40:11).
Gather with us also on Wednesday evenings at our Downtown Campus (Dec. 4/11/18) at 5:45pm for fellowship and a meal with 7:00pm worship following. During these Wednesdays, we will continue to unpack the themes of waiting for the Savior.
Christmas Eve worship will be at 4:30pm (Earhart/School Campus), 7:00pm and 11:00pm (Downtown Campus). Christmas Day worship is at 10:00am (Downtown).