Friends in Deed Furniture Crew

Monday Evenings with FID are back!

Friends In Deed (FID) is re-starting their Furniture Program following summer flood damage and building repairs! St. Paul has been a faithful supporter of FID for many years. We’ve provided a furniture moving crew 2-3 times per month, our members also support FID with generous donations of beds, bedding, dressers, lamps, tables, chairs and more. Donated items are picked up by volunteer crews and quickly delivered to people in our community who need furniture.   

St. Paul has committed to providing a “Furniture Crew” the first and third Monday evenings of each month. FID provides the truck and we provide the muscle! We start at 6:00 pm. and finish by about 9:00 pm. One driver and at least two helpers are needed for each crew. Click the sign up button below to review available spots. Questions? Email Mark Foster or call him at 734-649-8226.

Concerned about poor weather? If weather conditions are determined to be potentially unsafe for a particular evening, we will cancel and notify all volunteers. We don’t have any age limits for helpers, just the ability to help carry furniture of various sizes. Drivers must have a license and be comfortable driving a small box truck. Youth groups, family groups, all are welcome. With a liftgate on the truck, furniture dolly’s and some can-do attitude, great things are accomplished! Sign-up, it will be fun!