
Hope Clinic Servant Event

Help us pack sack lunches for Hope Clinic before church on Wednesday, April 2 @ 5:45 pm, in the Fellowship Hall of our Downtown Campus! Our goal is to pack 300 sack lunches! Pizza dinner provided afterward and worship service to follow at 7pm. 

Ways you can help with our event for Hope:

Donate items for lunches:
Thank you to all who have donated so far! Please see a list below of items we are still in need of.  Donations can be dropped off at either worship location before and after church through March 31st. Donations can also be dropped off in the church office or to Lexie Brown at the school during office hours.

These items are still needed:

  • Bottled water
  • Cans of tuna, ravioli or Spaghetto's (pop tops only please)

Help us pack:
Bring your family & friends to our event on April 2nd and help us pack lunches for Hope! Stay after for pizza dinner and social time before Lenten worship service at 7pm. 

Help with transport:
We need volunteers to help transport the packed lunches over to Hope Clinic. 

Volunteer to help with donations:
We are looking for volunteers to help answer questions at donation tables before and after worship services on March 23 and 30.

If you want to volunteer or have questions, please email Alison Roehrig or call her at 419-966-3727.

Hope ClinicMore about Hope...

Hope Clinic serves a hot meal in carry-out containers six nights a week, but many folks struggle in-between those meals. To help with this issue, they give out sack meals to those who need them during mealtimes. Hope gives out around 600 lunch bags a week, so this is a consistent need. Our goal at St. Paul is to pack 300 of these sack lunches! More information about Hope Clinic and the amazing work they do can be found here: