
Lent & Holy Week

“And suddenly, looking around, they no longer saw anyone with them but Jesus only.” Mark 9:8

Our Lenten worship series will be exploring the Gospel of Mark as we seek to keep our eyes on Jesus. We will follow different characters in the Gospel to look at Jesus through their eyes: the misjudging eyes of the disciples, betraying eyes of Judas, the denying eyes of Peter, the sleepy eyes of the apostles, the murderous eyes of the religious leaders, and the worldly eyes of Pilate. Of course, each one of these is also you and me. We too so often misjudge, betray, deny, and ignore not only others made in God’s image but even God and his Word. As we explore these perspectives, we not only want to see through their eyes, but also to see through Jesus’ eyes. And Jesus sees us not as sinners (though we are that too) but as beloved children of God because of what he has done for us. For a more in depth walk through this series, Lenten devotional booklets will be available at all worship entrances beginning February 23rd.

Lenten Dinners Every Wednesday at 5:45pm!
Join us each Wednesday in Lent (March 5 - April 2) in Fellowship Hall (lower level, beneath sanctuary) for dinner and social time before our evening Lenten service. No cost to attend - free will donations are gladly accepted to help offset cost and restock our kitchen supplies.